Saturday, May 19, 2012

Jewelry Holder Project

Next step adhere expanded metal to frame.

A very good friend (Jim) used Liquid Nails to hold metal to frame.  After much alignment of metal onto back of frame(metal is bowed) and frame has high spots on corners and middles. 

Once he applied to frame and put metal into glue and seated it with a putty knife he also applied more glue to the top and smoothed it out.  He then tapped in penny nails into frame and bent over metal to secure the metal to frame.  When I took this picture I had pulled nails out of frames.  VERY important to use pliers vs hammer as frame may have been damaged.

I returned home and kept in the garage for several days upide down with eweight on metal to flatten and secure glue to metal and frame.

Yet another good friend (Anita) suggested I mount at home before painting in the closet I plan to hang it in.

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